Wound Managment
Podiatrists, Foot & Ankle Surgeons in Boca Raton & Boynton Beach, FL
Foot Ulcers & Wound Care
Experience Next-Level Wound Care
Having an open wound increases the chances of infection. If you have a non-healing wound on your lower extremity, it is important that you act quickly to get your wound healed as soon as possible to prevent infection and further complications. The faster a wound is treated the better the patient's chances are of healing.
Foot Health Risks For Patients With Diabetes
If you have diabetes, you are especially at risk for complications such as diabetic foot ulcers and a bone condition Charcot (pronounced “sharko”) foot.
Family Foot Center will uses premium technology to perform a neurologic, vascular and orthopedic examination. Our expert Podiatrists will create a customized treatment plan for you. Once the wounds are healed, our patients are regularly re-examined to help avoid any problems.